Sunday, February 03, 2008

Rain, hail and snow

I went up this weekend to meet the appraiser from the insurance company. He came from Apple Valley near Victorville and amazingly enough, he found the place and was only two minutes late from his scheduled appointment. Edison did manage to get the right place this time so I had electricity and therefore water. I had lights, music, an electric radiator, a phone, a stove and oven. Save for the water heater that needs replacing, I was stylin'.

It was mostly sunny when I arrived, with many puffy clouds. This is the view when arriving from the creek road. A few low clouds, looking pretty.

Later in the afternoon the weather stayed the same and before I went to bed, I looked up to the sky and saw many stars. I thought for sure the storm would bypass the SSP. I woke up later in the evening with the sound of rain pouring on the roof. I didn't look outside but my neighbor later told me it even snowed at 11 pm.

The next day was a combination of rain, hail and snow, depending on I'm not sure what climate dynamics. One thing I do know is that it was cold and I was glad to have a roaring fire in the stove and my new and friendly DeLonghi EW7707CM Oil-filled Radiator with ComforTemp Technology.

I had met a neighbor the day before, Ernie, a nice man who's been coming up for twenty years and he invited me for a cup (or two, or three) of coffee in the morning. He was a friend of the man who built the cabin and knows everything about it. It's nice to meet people because as much as I love peace and quiet, I find it's better when it's shared. We spoke a while and I enjoyed his company.

When I got back, I took a shot of this interesting (to me anyway) pair of oak trees on the property. I call them The Two Sisters.

There was snow on the mountains in all directions. Here's looking west toward Breckenridge:




The creek on this property which I thought had been dry for years is actually alive and well:

I found a lovely winter landscape as I left:

It was an interesting drive back: the unpaved roads out of the SSP were muddy and slippery; I took the creek road to avoid any possible ice on the Lion's Trail and found a huge boulder had fallen on the road in the southbound lane; the road was flooded in many areas; hail in the Grapevine' and finally, approaching LA, buzzed drivers coming home from Super Bowl parties. I was glad to get home safe.

Weather permitting, we're moving furniture in next weekend!

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